October 1985, E.F. Codd published
a series of two articles in the computer industry weekly Computerworld.
The first article laid out 12 criteria to which a "fully relational"
database should adhere. The second article compared current mainframe products
to those 12 rules, producing a flurry of controversy over whether it was
important that database management systems (DBMSs) be theoretically rigorous or
that they simply work effectively.
]To help you understand the
issues raised and why Codd's rules
for relational databases for the most part make sense, in this chapter we will
look at those criteria along with the implications of their implementation.
Should you then choose not to adhere to one or more of the rules, you will be
doing so with full understanding of the consequences. In some cases, the
consequences are minimal; in others they may significantly affect the integrity
of the data that is in a database.
The first criterion for
databases deals with the data structures that are used to store data and
represent data relationships:
information in a relational database is represented explicitly at the logical
level in exactly one way—by values in tables.
The purpose of this rule is
to require that relations (two-dimensional tables) be the only data
structure used in a relational database. Therefore, products that require
hard-coded links between tables are not relational.
At the time Codd's article was published, one of the most
widely used mainframe products was IDMS/R, a version of IDMS that placed a
relational-style query language on top of a simple network database. The simple
network data model requires data structures, such as pointers or indexes, to
represent data relationships. Therefore, IDBMS/R, although being marketed as
relational, was not relational according to the very first rule of a relational
database. It was this product that was at the heart of the "who cares
about rules if my product works" controversy.
Regardless of which side
you take in this particular argument, there are two very good reasons why
creating a database from nothing but tables is a good idea:
- Logical
relationships are very flexible In
a simple network or hierarchical database, the only relationships that can
be used for retrieval are those that have been predetermined by the
database designer who wrote the schema. However, because a relational
database represents its relationships through matching data values, the
join operation can be used to implement relationships on the fly—even
those that a database designer may not have anticipated.
- Relational database schemas are very flexible. You can add, modify, and remove individual relations without disturbing the rest of the schema. In fact, as long as you are not changing the structure of tables currently being used, you can modify the schema of a live database. However, to modify the schema of a simple network or hierarchical database, you must stop all processing of data and regenerate the entire schema. In many cases, modifying the database design also means recreating all the physical files (using a dump and load process) to correspond to the new design.
- When Codd originally wrote his rules, databases couldn't store images. Today, many DBMSs store images in a variety of formats or store the path names (or URL) to images in external files. Technically, path names or URLs to external files are pointers to something other than tables and therefore would seem to cause a DBMS to violate this rule. However, the spirit of the rule is that relationships between entities—the logical relationships in the database—are represented by matching data values, without the use of pointers of any kind to indicate entity connections.
2: The Guaranteed Access Rule
that the entire reason we put data into a database is to get the data out
again, we must be certain that we can retrieve every single piece of data:
and every datum (atomic value) in a relational database is guaranteed to be
logically accessible by resorting to a combination of table name, primary key
value, and column name.
This rule states that you
need to know only three things to locate a specific piece of data: the name of
the table, the name of the column, and the primary key of the row containing
the data.
There is no rule in this
set of 12 rules that specifically states that each row in a relation must have
a unique primary key. However, a relation cannot adhere to the guaranteed
access rule unless it does have unique primary keys. Without unique primary
keys, you will be able to retrieve some row with the primary
key value used in a search but not necessarily the exact row you want. Some
data may therefore be inaccessible without the ability to uniquely identify
Early relational databases
did not require primary keys at all. You could create and use tables without
primary key constraints. Today, however, SQL will allow you to create a table
without a primary key specification, but most DBMSs will not permit you to
enter data into that table.
DBMS that requires "relationships between files" cannot adhere to
this rule because you must specify the file in which the data reside to
locate the data.
3: Systematic Treatment of Null Values
you know, null is a special database value that means "unknown." Its
presence in a database brings special problems during data retrieval. Consider,
for example, what happens if you have an employees' relation that contains a
column for salary. Assume that the salary is null for some portion of the rows.
What, then, should happen if someone queries the table for all people who make
more than $60,000 a year? Should the rows with null be retrieved, or should
they be left out?
When the DBMS evaluates a
null against the logical criterion of salary value greater than 60,000, it
cannot determine whether the row containing the null meets the criteria. Maybe
it does, and maybe it doesn't. For this relation, we say that relational
databases use three-valued
The result of the evaluation of a logical expression is true, false, or
maybe. Codd's third rule therefore
deals with the issue of nulls:
Null values (distinct from the empty
character string or a string of blank characters or any other number) are
supported in the fully relational DBMS for representing missing information in
a systematic way, independent of data type.
First, a relational DBMS
must store the same value for null in all columns and rows where the user does
not explicitly enter data values. The value used for null must be the same,
regardless of the data type of the column. Note that null is not the same as a
space character or zero; it has its own distinct ASCII or UNICODE value.
However, in most cases when you see a query's result table on the screen, nulls
do appear as blank.
Second, the DBMS must have
some consistent, known way of handling those nulls when performing queries.
Typically, you will find that rows with nulls are not retrieved by a query,
such as the salary greater than 60,000 example, unless the user explicitly asks
for rows with a value of null. Most relational DBMSs today adhere to a
three-valued logic truth table to determine retrieval behavior when they
encounter nulls.
The inclusion of nulls in a
relation can be extremely important. They provide a consistent way to
distinguish between valid data such as a 0 and missing data. For example, there
is a big difference between the balance in an account payable being 0 and being
unknown. The account with 0 is something we like to see; the account with an
unknown balance could be a significant problem.
concept of unknown values is not unique to relational databases. Regardless
of the data model it uses, a DBMS must contend with the problem of how to
behave when querying against a null.
4: Dynamic Online Catalog Based on the Relational Model
In Chapter
you read about relational database data dictionaries. Codd very clearly specifies that those
dictionaries (which he calls catalogs) should be made up of
nothing but relations:
database description is represented at the logical level in the same way as
ordinary data so that authorized users can apply the same relational language
to the interrogation as they apply to regular data.
One advantage of using the same data structures for the
data dictionary as for data tables is that you have a consistent way to access
all elements of the database. You need to learn only one query language. This
also simplifies the DBMS itself, since it can use the same mechanism for
handling data about the database (metadata) as it can data about the
When you purchase a DBMS,
it comes with its own way of handling a data dictionary There is rarely
anything you can do to change it Therefore, the major implication of this
particular rule comes in selecting relational software: You want to look for
something that has a data dictionary that is made up of nothing but tables.
of the way in which their schemas were implemented, it was rare for a
pre-relational DBMS to have an online data dictionary.
5: The Comprehensive Data Sublanguage Rule
relational database must have some language that can maintain database
structural elements, modify data, and retrieve data. Codd included the following rule that
describes his ideas about what such a language should do:
relational system may support several languages and various modes of terminal
use (for example, fill-in-the-blank mode). However, there must be at least one
language whose statements are expressible, per some well-defined syntax, as
character strings and that is comprehensive in supporting all of the following
Data definition
View definition
Data manipulation (interactive and by program)
Integrity constraints
Transaction boundaries (begin, commit, and roll back)
The current SQL language
does meet all of these rules. (Versions earlier than SQL-92 did not include
complete support for primary keys and referential integrity.) Given that most
of today's relational DBMSs use SQL as their primary data manipulation
language, there would seem to be no issue here.
However, a DBMS that does not support SQL but uses a
graphic language would technically not meet this rule. Nonetheless, there are
several products today whose graphic language can perform all the tasks
that Codd has listed without a
command-line syntax. Such DBMSs might not be theoretically "fully
relational," but since they can perform all the necessary relational
tasks, you lose nothing by not having the command-line language.
in mind the time frame in which Codd was
writing. In 1985, the Macintosh—whose operating system legitimized the
graphic user interface—was barely a year old. Most people still considered
the GUI-equipped computers to be little more than toys.
6: The View Updating Rule
you will read more about in Chapter
some views can be used to update data. Others—those created from more than one
base table or view, those that do not contain the primary keys of their base
tables, and so on—cannot be used for updating. Codd's sixth rule speaks only about those that meet the criteria
for updatability:
views that are theoretically updatable are also updatable by the system.
This rule simply means that
if a view meets the criteria for updatability, a DBMS must be able to handle
that update and propagate the updates back to the base tables.
that used pre-relational data models included constructs similar in concept
to views. For example, CODASYL DBMSs included "subschemas," which
allowed an application programmer to construct a subset of a schema to be
used by a specific end user or by an application program
Rule 7: High-Level Insert, Update, Delete
Codd wanted to ensure that a DBMS could
handle multiple rows of data at a time, especially when data were modified.
Therefore, his seventh rule requires that a DBMS's data manipulation be able to
insert, update, and delete more than one row with a single command:
The capability of handling a base relation or a derived relation as a
single operand applies not only to the retrieval of data but also to the
insertion, update, and deletion of data.
SQL provides this capability for today's relational
DBMSs. What does it bring you? Being able to modify more than one row with a
single command simplifies data manipulation logic. Rather than having to scan a
relation row by row to locate rows for modification, for example, you can
specify logical criteria that identify rows to be affected and then let the
DBMS find the rows for you.
8: Physical Data Independence
of the benefits of using a database system rather than a file processing system
is that a DBMS isolates the user from physical storage details. The physical
data independence rule speaks to this issue:
and terminal activities remain logically unimpaired whenever any changes are
made in either storage representation or access methods.
This means that you should
be able to move the database from one disk volume to another, change the
physical layout of the files, and so on, without any impact on the way in which
application programs and end users interact with the tables in the database.
Most of today's DBMSs give
you little control over the file structures used to store data on a disk. (Only
the very largest mainframe systems allow systems programmers to determine
physical storage structures.) Therefore, in a practical sense, physical data
independence means that you should be able to move the database from one disk
volume or directory to another without affecting the logical design of the
database, and therefore the application programs and interactive users remain
unaffected. With a few exceptions, most of today's DBMSs do provide physical
data independence.
DBMSs generally fail this rule to a greater or lesser degree. The older the
data model, the closer it was tied to its physical data storage. The
trade-off, however, is performance. Hierarchical systems are much faster than
relational systems when processing data in tree traversal order. The same can
be said for a CODASYL database. When traversing in set order, access will be
faster than row-by-row access within a relational database. The trade-off is
flexibility to perform ad hoc queries, something at which relational systems
Rule 9: Logical Data Independence
Logical data
independence is a bit more subtle than physical data independence. In essence,
it means that if you change the schema—perhaps adding or removing a table or
adding a column to a table—then other parts of the schema that should not be
affected by the change remain unaffected:
Application programs and terminal
activities remain logically unimpaired when information-preserving changes of
any kind that theoretically permit unimpairment are made to the base tables.
As an example, consider what happens when you add a
table to a database. Since relations are logically independent of one another,
adding a table should have absolutely no impact on any other table. To adhere
to the logical data independence rule, a DBMS must ensure that there is indeed
no impact on other tables.
On the other hand, if you delete a table from the
database, such a modification is not "information preserving." Data
will almost certainly be lost when the table is removed. Therefore, it is not
necessary that application programs and interactive users be unaffected by the
10: Integrity Independence
the requirement for unique primary keys is a corollary to an earlier rule, the
requirement for non-null primary keys and for referential integrity is very
constraints specific to a particular relational database must be definable in
the relational data sublanguage and storable in the catalog, not in the
application programs.
A minimum of the following
two integrity constraints must be supported:
1. Entity integrity: No
component of a primary key is allowed to have a null value.
2. Relational integrity: For
each distinct non-null foreign key value in a relational database, there must
exist a matching primary key value from the same domain.
Notice that the rule
requires that the declaration of integrity constraints must be a part of
whatever language is used to define database structure. In addition, integrity
constraints of any kind must be stored in a data dictionary that can be
accessed while the database is being used.
When IBM released its flagship relational database DB/2,
one of the two things users complained about was the lack of referential
integrity support. IBM, and other DBMS vendors for that matter, omitted
referential integrity because it slows down performance. Each time you modify a
row of data, the DBMS must go to the data dictionary, search for an integrity
rule, and perform the test indicated by the rule, all before performing an
update. A referential integrity check of a single column can involve two or
more disk accesses, all of which take more time than simply making the modification
directly to the base table.
However, without
referential integrity, the relationships in a relational database very quickly
become inconsistent. Retrieval operations therefore do not necessarily retrieve
all data because the missing cross-references cause joins to omit data. In that
case, the database is unreliable and virtually unusable. (Yes, IBM added
referential integrity to DB/2 fairly quickly!)
solution to the problem of a DBMS not supporting referential integrity was to
have application programmers code the referential integrity checks into
application programs. This certainly works, but it puts the burden of
integrity checking in the wrong place. It should be an integral part of the
database rather than left up to an application programmer.
DBMSs that used pre-relational data models provided some types of integrity
constraints, including domain constraints, unique entity identifiers, and
required values (non-null). CODASYL could also enforce mandatory
relationships, something akin to referential integrity.
Rule 11: Distribution Independence
As you will remember from Chapter 1, a distributed database is a database
where the data are stored on more than one computer. The database is therefore
the union of all its parts. In practice, the parts are not unique but contain a
great deal of duplicated data. Nonetheless, according to Rule 11:
A relational DBMS has distribution
In other words, a distributed database must look
like a centralized database to the user. Application programs and interactive
users should not be required to know where data are stored,
including the location of multiple copies of the same data.
DBMS vendors have been working on distributed DBMS
software since the late 1970s. However, current relational DBMS truly meet this
rule. Even the most sophisticated distributed DBMS software requires that the
user indicate some location information when retrieving data.
Rule 12: Nonsubversion Rule
The final rule could also be called
the "no cheating" rule:
If a relational system has a low-level
(single-record-at-a-time) language, that low-level language cannot be used to
subvert or bypass the integrity rules or constraints expressed in the higher
level relational language (multiple-records-at-a-time).
Many DBMS products during the 1980s had languages
that could directly access rows in tables separate from SQL, which operates on
multiples rows at a time. This rule states that there must be no way to use
that direct-access language to get around the constraints stored in the data
dictionary. The integrity rules must be observed without exception.
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